Kepler laws: cross product and polar coordinates


Our goal here will be to understand and demonstrate the three Kepler laws from Newton laws with an increasing level of complexity. Codes will be provided to help you getting familiar.

The laws

Kepler laws are three statements allowing to predict the motion of celestial bodies in the case of a two body system with one much larger than the other. A typical case is then given by the motion of a planet around a star. They can be stated as follow:

As we will see, these three laws were first deduced from observations by the german astronomer Joannes Kepler, who understood them as fundamental laws of nature. They were then rederived from deeper and more abstract principles by Isaac Newton.

History : from laws to theorem

Discovered by Joannes Kepler and published between 1609 and 1619 from Tycho Brahe’s measurements. Part of the great changes giving birth to modern astronomy with Galileo’s observations (1605) and Copernician’s revolution.

At the time they were indeed understood as laws that is fundamental rules of nature that can not be proven. However, they can be fully derived from geometrical consideration and Newton laws of mechanics. Proven in 1687 by Newton.

Why are they so important ?

Despite several technical complexities, the period $$T$$ (time to realize a full orbit) and semi-axis $$a$$ (star-planet maximal distance) of an orbit can be directly measured. Using the third law, $$ a^3/T^2 \propto M$$, one can hence recover the mass $$M$$ of the star which would be otherwise very difficult to measure.

Polar coordinates


As we discussed already, the first thing to do before studying a motion in mechanics, is to define both a frame (otherwise motion is meaningless) and a coordinate system (otherwise it is impossible to quantify anything). So far we were only using cartesian coordinates, that is, perpendicular and fixed axis $(O,x,y,z)$. Cylindrical/Polar coordinates replace $x$ and $y$ by $r$ and $\theta$.


Using Pythagorian theorem in the red triangle

$$ r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} $$

And from basic trigonometry

$$ {\rm tan}(\theta) = y/x \Rightarrow \theta = \arctan(y/x) $$

Also from basic trigonometry in the red triangle

$$\begin{cases} x &= r \cos\theta\ y &= r \sin\theta \end{cases} $$


Similar geometrical considerations can be done with the units vectors by bringing the two frame at the same point (as done on the right part of the figure above). As such, the new unit vectors in term of the cartesian ones as

$$ \begin{cases} \vec{u_r} & = \cos\theta \vec{u_x} + \sin\theta \vec{u_y}\
\vec{u_\theta} &= -\sin\theta \vec{u_x} + \cos\theta \vec{u_y} \end{cases} $$

If you can’t find these relations immediately, remember to draw right triangles and look for the trigonometric relations.

While cartesian coordinates are fixed, i.e. the units vectors don’t change with time: $\dot{\vec{u_x}}=0$ and $\dot{\vec{u_y}}=0$ (We use the notation $\dot{x} = \frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}$), the unit vectors of polar coordinates change with time along the trajectory of the studied object. Remembering the rule for the derivative of trigonometric functions, we can immediately derive

$$ \begin{cases} \frac{ \text{d}\vec{u_r}}{\text{d} \theta } &= -\sin\theta \vec{u_x} + \cos\theta \vec{u_y} = \vec{u_\theta} \ \frac{ \text{d}\vec{u_\theta}}{\text{d} \theta } &= -\cos\theta \vec{u_x} - \sin\theta \vec{u_y} = - \vec{u_r} \end{cases} $$

Such that, with the chain rule

$$ \begin{cases} \dot{u_r} &= \frac{\text{d} \theta}{\text{d} t}\frac{ \text{d}\vec{u_r}}{\text{d} \theta } = \dot{\theta} \vec{u_\theta}\ \dot{u_\theta} &= \frac{\text{d} \theta}{\text{d} t} \frac{ \text{d}\vec{u_\theta}}{\text{d} \theta } = -\dot{\theta} \vec{u_r}
\end{cases} $$

Now that we know how to go back and forth between cartesian and polar coordinates, we can look at the relevant quantities for kinematics, that are position, velocity and acceleration. The position vector is simply given by

$$ \vec{r} = r \vec{u_r} $$

The velocity vector is then given by its derivative

$$ \vec{v} = \dot{\vec{r}} = \dot{r}\vec{u_r} + r \dot{\vec{u_r}} = \dot{r}\vec{u_r} + r \dot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta} $$

And we need to derive another time to get the acceleration vector

$$ \vec{a} = \dot{\vec{v}} = \dot{r}\vec{u_r} + r \dot{\vec{u_r}} = \ddot{r}\vec{u_r} + \dot{r}\dot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta} + \dot{r}\dot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta} - r\ddot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta} + r \dot{\theta}^2\vec{u_r} \ = (\ddot{r} - r \dot{\theta}^2 )\vec{u_r} + ( r\ddot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta} - 2\dot{r}\dot{\theta})\vec{u_\theta}\ = a_r \vec{u_r} + a_\theta\vec{u_\theta} $$

We are now equipped with mathematical expression to fully describe the point like motion of any object in polar coordinate as a planet orbiting its star.

Proof of the second law

The wonderful cross product

Before moving to the Kepler laws, we still need a bit of patience and introduce a new very powerful tool. This tool is a new way to multiply two vectors to get a third one that can encompass all the informations about the rotation of an object. It is hence easy to understand why this tool will be so usefull when describing planetary orbits.

Consider two vectors $\vec{u}$ and $\vec{v}$. How could you combine them? You might already be familiar with one way to combine vectors together? Indeed, it is possible to build a number out two vectors using the scalar or dot product $\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}$. The resulting number tells you how much the two vectors are aligned and allows to calculate lengths. There exist however, another way to multiply two vectors.

In order to study rotations, it will indeed be useful to define another product, called the cross product, allowing this time to get a third vector $\vec{w}$ from two vectors $\vec{u}$ and $\vec{v}$. It is usually noted $\vec{w}=\vec{u} \times \vec{v}$ or $\vec{w}=\vec{u} \wedge \vec{v}$.

Contrary to the dot product, this product quantifies how perpendicular the two original vectors are. Since it gives back a vector and not a simple number, it has a lot of geometry hidden in it. We’ll see that, while the scalar product defines lengths, the cross product defines surfaces from the original vectors.

$$ \vec{u} \wedge \vec{v} = - \vec{v} \wedge \vec{u}$$

$$ |\vec{w}|=|\vec{u}||\vec{v}|\sin(\langle \vec{u},\vec{v}\rangle)$$

Which is indeed the area of a rectangle $|\vec{w}|=S_{\rm rect} = |\vec{u}||\vec{v}|$ with $\langle \vec{u},\vec{v}\rangle=90^{\circ}$.

A very useful property coming from this, is that any numbers multiplying the vectors can be put in front of the product

$$ (a\vec{u}) \wedge (b\vec{v}) = ab \, (\vec{u} \wedge \vec{v})$$

This is especially usefull when expressing vectors in term of unit vectors. Using the right-hand rule and the above definitions we can get

$$ \vec{u_r} \wedge \vec{u_\theta} = \vec{u_z}$$

$$ \vec{u_z} \wedge \vec{u_\theta} = -\vec{u_r}$$

$$ \vec{u_z} \wedge \vec{u_r} = -\vec{u_\theta}$$

Newton and gravity

We will take here for granted the universal law of gravitation between two bodies of masses $M$ and $m$ proposed by Newton in his principias. Let $M\gg m$ be the mass of the star

$$ \vec{F_G} = -\frac{GMm}{r^2}\vec{u_r} $$

The angular momentum

$$ \vec{L} = \vec{r} \wedge \vec{p} $$

This quantity can fully describe a rotation since it gives you at any-time - A single plane of rotation - A single direction of rotation - A “strength of rotation”, greater if the speed is orthogonal to the radius $|\vec{L}|= |\vec{r}||\vec{p}|\sin(\langle \vec{r},\vec{p}\rangle)$

$$ \frac{\text{d}\vec{L}}{\text{d} t} = \frac{\text{d}\vec{r}}{\text{d} t} \wedge \vec{p} + \vec{r} \wedge \frac{\text{d}\vec{p}}{\text{d} t} \ = m \vec{v} \wedge \vec{v} + \vec{r} \wedge \sum \vec{F} = \frac{GMm}{r}\vec{u_r} \wedge \vec{u_r} = \vec{0} $$

At every time, $\vec{L}$ defines a single plane of rotation. Since it is conserved, the whole motion remains in a given plane.

We can calculate $\vec{L}$ in terms of the coordinates

$$ \vec{L} = \vec{r} \wedge \vec{p} = r m \vec{u_r}\wedge \vec{v} = mr^2 \dot{\theta} \vec{u_r}\wedge \vec{u_\theta} $$

$$ \vec{L} = mr^2 \dot{\theta} \vec{u_z} $$

$$ |\vec{L}| = mr^2 \dot{\theta} $$

Proof of the second law

Remember that for a circle of radius $r$, the perimeter is $\ell=2\pi r$, corresponding to a full turn of the circle in radian $\theta=2\pi$. We conclude that for a small angle $d\theta$, $d \ell = Rd \theta$. Following the same logic, we know that for a disk, the full area is $S=\pi r^2$ and so an infinitesimal area is given by

$$ \text{d}S = \frac{r^2 \text{d}\theta}{2}$$

$$ \frac{\text{d}S}{\text{d}t} = \frac{r^2}{2} \dot{\theta} = \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m}$$

$$ \Delta S = \int \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m} t = \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m} \Delta t $$

For an ellipse, integrating over a full period gives

$$ S_{\rm tot} = \pi ab = \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m} T$$

Giving the relation

$$ \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m} = \frac{\pi ab}{T} $$

So that the second law is simply given by

$$ \boxed{\Delta S = \frac{\pi ab}{T} \Delta t} $$

On a given orbit, (think for example at the earth motion) $a,b$ and $T$ are constants. Hence in a given time $$\Delta t$$ (say 1 day), the planet covers the same area $$\Delta S$$. One then understands that, in order to do so, the planet needs to go way faster when close to its star than when far away.

my image

Presenting the first law


Conics are 1D slices of a 2D cone.

Conic polar equation

$$r = \frac{p}{1+e\cos(\theta-\theta_0)}$$

A warm-up: third law for spherical orbits

For a spherical orbit $r=R$ is a constant (thus $\dot{r} = 0$) and the angular velocity is a constant ($\ddot{\theta}=0$).

$$ \vec{v} = R \dot{\theta} \vec{u_\theta}$$

$$ \vec{a} = -R\dot{\theta}^2 \vec{u_r}= -\frac{v^2}{R} \vec{u_r} $$

$$ -\frac{GmM}{R^2} \vec{u_r} = m \vec{a} = -\frac{m v^2}{R} \vec{u_r}$$

$$ v = \sqrt{\frac{GM}{R}} $$

Over a whole period $T$, the distance is $d= 2\pi R$. Since the volocity is constant

$$v = \frac{d}{T}= \frac{2\pi R}{T}$$

Using the two expressions above, we get

$$ \frac{4\pi^2 R^2}{T^2} = \frac{GM}{R} $$

$$ \frac{T^2}{R^3} = \frac{4\pi^2}{GM} $$

Which is the third Kepler law.

General proof of the first law

Here comes the most technical aspect of our discussion. Hang on!

For a general orbit, the second Newton law implying only gravity can be written as

$$ \vec{F_G} = m \vec{a} $$

Writing again $\vec{F_G}= -\frac{GMm}{r^2} \vec{u_r}$ and $\vec{a}=a_r \vec{u_r}+a_\theta \vec{u}_\theta$, we can project on the two polar basis vectors

$$ \begin{cases} \vec{F_G}r &= m a_r \ \vec{F_G}\theta &= a_\theta \end{cases}$$

$$\begin{cases} -\frac{GM}{r^2}&= a_r \ 0 &= a_\theta \end{cases}$$

Using the general expression for the accelaration in polar coordinates, one gets the system

$$ \ddot{r} - r\dot{\theta}^2 = -\frac{GM}{r^2}$$

$$ r\ddot{\theta} + 2\dot{r}\dot{\theta}=0$$

The second equation is just the conservation of angular momentum

$$ \dot{|\vec{L}|} = \frac{\text{d}(r^2\dot{\theta})}{\text{d}t} = 0 $$

While the first one really is the equation of motion.

To see more clearly what is happening, we will rewrite this equation in term of $u=1/r$. As we will show this will give us an harmonic oscillator equation that we can solve easily

$$ u’‘ + u - \frac{1}{p} = 0$$

To see this, we first introduce the notation $x’= \frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}\theta}$. Let’s also not forget the cross-derivative relation $\dot{x}= \frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}\theta}\frac{\text{d}\theta}{\text{d}t} = x’\dot{\theta}$

We then have

$$ \dot{u}= \dot{1/r} = -\frac{1}{r^2}\dot{r} \Rightarrow \dot{r} = -r^2 \dot{u} = -r^2\dot{\theta}u’$$

That is

$$ \boxed{\dot{r} =-\frac{|\vec{L}|}{m}u’}$$


$$ \ddot{r} = \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\left(-\frac{|\vec{L}|}{m}u’\right)= -\frac{|\vec{L}|}{m}\dot{\theta}u’‘ = -\frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{m^2r^2}u’‘$$

So that

$$ \boxed{\ddot{r} = -\frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{m^2}u^2u’}$$

Inserting these expressions in the equation of motion, we have

$$ -\frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{m^2}u^2u’-\frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{m^2}u^3 + GMu^2 =0$$

That we can finally rerwrite in the suggestive form

$$ \boxed{u’‘ + u - \frac{1}{p} = 0}$$


$$ \boxed{p= \frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{GMm^2}}$$

The general solution of the harmonic oscillator (see harmonic oscillator) is

$$ u = \frac{1}{p} + c_1 \cos(\theta) + c_2 \sin(\theta)$$


$$ u = \frac{1}{p} + e\cos(\theta - \theta_0) $$

Going back to r, we get

$$\boxed{r = \frac{p}{1+e\cos(\theta-\theta_0)}}$$

Third law for ellipses

$$S= \int \text{d}S = \pi ab$$

$$S = \int_T \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m} \text{d}t = \frac{|\vec{L}|}{2m}T $$

$$ T^2 = \frac{4\pi^2 a^2b^2 m^2}{L^2}$$

$$ p = \frac{b^2}{a} $$

$$ p = \frac{|\vec{L}|^2}{GMm^2} $$

$$ |\vec{L}|^2 = \frac{GMm^2b^2}{a} $$

And so, we immediatly find back the third Kepler law

$$ \frac{T^2}{a^3} = \frac{4\pi^2}{GM} $$


Keep the same form even when dropping the assumption that $$M\gg m$$, introducing the reduced mass $$\mu$$.

$$ \frac{T^2}{a^3} = \frac{4\pi^2}{G(M+m)} $$

Can only be applied to a two body system.

See three bodies problem.

Assumes Newtonian gravitation, general relativity is required for strong fields.